1. What inspired you to become a Mermaid?

When I was a little girl I used to sit on the bottom of the pool and pretend I was a mermaid. I grew up snorkelling, diving and island dreaming, We lived on a macadamia farm, we swam in dams and then we moved on the canal and near the beach when I got older. So the beach and the water was in my blood. 

I have been freediving since 2018, I started freediving because I had a blackout underwater surfing and became very fearful of the ocean, which didn’t sit well with me, so determined, I set out to overcome my fear.  After a long journey of pushing myself, being persistent and resilient I finally  became a freedive instructor so I could help others with similar fears, passion and dreams for the ocean.   

After becoming a freedive instructor, PADI released their Mermaid freeding course and Mermaiding lit my soul on fire! So it just made sense to me, as the next step to become a mermaid freedive instructor. I love the mystery around the legends, and I think deep down, those who truly love the ocean….. we are all real mermaids inside. 


  1. What do you love MOST about Mermaiding? (ex: community, swimming, lifestyle etc)

I love how it makes you feel. It’s hard to describe it, to put it into words; it’s powerful. It’s calming, meditative and mindful, empowering, full fun and joy, elegance, beauty and peaceful with a strong sense of community and connection. Connection to yourself within, connection to the water, connection to each other and connection to the animals in the ocean. As humans, connection is everything. Freedivers and Mermaids develop strong connections very quickly as we not only share a love of the oceran, we all support each other and we literally put our lives in each others hands. 

I also adore the underwater photos! 

But as an instructor, I love seeing people learn how to hold their breath and push themselves, I love seeing peoples reaction when they are amazed at how surprised they are with themselves. It empowers people and lights them up. I love it when people see their photos, and how excited they are to see themselves in a different light, to feel beautiful and strong yet feminine and non-competitive. 

What I love most about the sport is how fast your body adapts to the aquatic environment. How fast it learns and how quickly ( when you allow it) you can feel really good!  Results over effort are immediate in the water. 


  1. Where has been your favourite place to Mermaid swim? Where has been your least favourite?

My favourite place to mermaid swim is on any island with a clear sandy bottom. There’s just something about it, something magical, mystical and sensational. It just really makes my heart and soul smile. I get so excited! My favourite place to date was the Maldives, clear deep blue water filled with pelagic animals. 


  1. Why did you start Mermaiding? And how did you come up with your Mermaid Business?

When you find something that you love doing and the tables turn from having to pay to do the sport you love so much, to being paid to do something you love, and help others learn to feel safe, comfortable and grow the same love addiction, to that euphoric feeling, it’s indescribable. 

I was teaching freediving with my friends businesses and I was searching for something different to do in my life that filled my soul and lit me up.  (I’m taught primary and high school for 20 years) so I’ve always loved teaching and I’ve always loved the ocean, so it just made sense to put the two together, so when mermaidIng came into Australia as a certified PADI course my whole soul lit up on fire. I was filled with childlike excitement, a spark that ignited a flame that has never gone out, and it’s been burning brightly ever since. I can’t stop thinking about new creative ways to do business. I wake up thinking about it and I go to sleep thinking about it and it doesn’t ever feel like work. It just fills a little space in my heart that feels like home. 


  1. What are three things you cannot Mermaid without?
  • My camera 
  • My friends 
  • My smile and my excitement 



  1. Do you have any favourite Mermaids that you follow?

Hannah Mermaid is an absolute goddess 

And I also love Vero beach Mermaid too


  1. What advice would you give to others who want to be Mermaids?

Just do it! 

Our job as humans is to just feel….. feel good, feel beautiful, feel special, feel relaxed, calm and centered, to find joy, have fun and smile. The rest will fall into place.  You’ll wonder why you never tried it earlier. 


  1. What’s next for you? Any big Mermaid plans?

I am going to be running retreats on beautiful islands around Queensland and talk/help to as many people as I can with their mental health. I have written a book about the lessons I have leant from freediving; to  help people who are suffering in repeated patterns listen to their own heart so that they can live a passionate, empowered and peaceful life



  1. Where can people find you? (website/socials)

Facebook: The Mermaid Connection 

Insta : @themermaidconnection 

Website: themermaidconnection.com.au 

Link https://sydneymermaids.com/mermaid-monday-mermaid-connection/

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