
How to Tame the Beast Inside your Mind

Managing Stress in the workplace and everyday life
“In a world addicted to speed, slowness is your superpower”
– Carl Honore

What is pressure and stress? Where does it come from? Why does it inhibit us across different areas of our lives? 

Many people use the terms, ‘I feel pressured’, or ‘work is too demanding, ‘I feel so stressed”, “I can’t balance my work and life” without any understanding of what is physically and mentally happening inside their brains and bodies.

In her seminar, ‘How to tame the beast inside your mind” Elle tackles these questions and breaks down what is happening to a person internally, why it’s happening, the consequences of typical responses and how to channel your mind when it’s under siege and to perform at peak levels in business, work, pleasure in your daily life.

Freediving takes place in an environment that is still uniquely wild and that places a great Physical Pressure on the human body. When you lose the ability to breathe but have learned how to control your responses it gives great insight into what we, as Humans, are capable of achieving and reveals strategies of how we can survive the daily mental pressures of life which prevent us from achieving our best.

Current Keynote 

In this presentation delegates will learn:

  • How to deal with Pressure and stress in any environment in order to excel
  • What to do when we fall into the grips of Mental Illness or a negative loop
  • Why our Brains can throw our lives into Chaos
  • Techniques to program our brains and design the life we wan. 

Elle is a qualified Teacher, freedive instructor, Mindfulness Meditation and Advanced Visualization coach, yoga instructor, NLP and timeline therapy practitioner. Elle teaches these skills that translate across all areas of life, business, relationships, wealth, health and happiness.  In a safe and controlled environment, Elle shares the skills and techniques used by freedivers to control the powerful messages sent from the brain that can often immobilize us.

Whether you are a small business, an individual or a corporate giant, Elle has the skills to get messages across to your audience in a powerful engaging and peaceful way. 

Intro offer 

I can tailor these sessions to your needs of your staff/office.

Here is my suggestion: 

30mins talk (outlined above)- Inside is good I have a PowerPoint presentation 

30 mins breath workshop and bonus handcrafted guided mediation workshop for your workplace that they can take home and practice. We just need a space for everyone to lie down either inside or outside. They will need to bring a towel.

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