I work ‘with you’ to help empower you to discover your own magnificence, shift limiting  beliefs and move old patterns so you can choose to live a passionate, empowered and peaceful life!

  • Step into your own greatness, feel aligned, inspired and powerful.
  • Create more choices and freedom from  shifting into more expansive thinking
  • Know your worth and value, reconnect and trust your own mind and inner guidance.

How does it Work?

Timeline Therapy is a method used to locate, acknowledge and clear unconscious patterns, unresolved negative emotions, and limiting beliefs so we can live our most aligned, authentic and purposeful lives.

What’s Involved:
  • 4 x one on one online sessions (90-120 mins)
  • Clearing of negative emotions
  • Clearing of limiting decisions/beliefs
  • Unlimited text support throughout the process
  • Weekly journal prompts to aid your journey within
  • 4 weekly check in phone calls post sessions
  • A commitment to you
It helps us to let go immediately and permanently of old limiting decisions, beliefs, patterns and blocks that have been stored and playing out in your life, your mind, body and unconscious.


I recently saw @Ell Jayne for timeline therapy. I walked away feeling enlightened and convinced that the limiting beliefs that were holding me back in my life were neutralised. I’m really excited about what I can create for myself now. Ell had a beautiful calming energy, she’s warm, kind and understanding. I can’t recommend working with Ell enough.

Jessica B

I recently saw Elle for NLP and Timeline therapy to clear some repeated negative patterns that I felt stuck in. The Timeline process blew my mind. I saw immediate results of change in my mind and in my life. I cannot recommend this process enough!
Elle is a natural. The process was really fun and had lasting results. So grateful!

Jade Sunshine coast

NLP and Timeline therapy has changed my life. I always knew I had some control issues but no idea how much it was running my life. If I couldn’t control something in thre future I would have complete anxiety about it. Elle was amazing. She helped me let go of the need to be in control of everything. Now I can go about my life with a smile knowing the universe has my back and I have no need to be in control.

Rachelle Darwin

When I found out that Elle was an NLP and Time Line practitioner, I couldn’t wait to work with her to move some past blockages. El is very Kind, patient and from her past experince as a teacher she explains things very clearly and effectively. When I don’t quite understand something she re words things and takes the time to make sure I have a clear understanding. El has helped me in tough times to overcome what I thought were big problems and re wire my unconscious mind into a different way of thinking. I can trust telling El things I have never told anyone before as she respects privacy and confidentiality.

Meribella Z Brisbane

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