
Why the Mermaid Connection?

Awakening the Goddess Within

The Mermaid Connection delivers incredible underwater experiences across the Sunshine Coast and other East Coast Australia locations, giving participants unforgettable collections of moments to explore the depths. Experiences combine elements of PADI Diving, breathwork, meditation and connection… as well an opportunity to take home with you a stunning collection of underwater photos to immortalise your time as a Mermaid. To read about how this beautiful business came to life, the founder of The Mermaid Connection Elle shares her inspiring story below, of what brought her life journey to this place….

We Have Worked With:

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My tale of finding my inner Mermaid started here…

My Freediving journey was born out of a longing and desire to overcome a Fear from a surfing blackout.  

There was a time in my life when I DECIDED to push myself out of (several) of my comfort zones only a few short years ago. I did this, so I could not only overcome my fears but to enjoy new experiences and start to explore the hidden pockets within myself.. the things that I was hiding from the world and moreover myself! And let me tell you, I was living my best life when I decided to do that. It wasn’t comfortable and it wasn’t easy and there was lots of tears and lots of self-loathing, but on the other side of that there was lots of joy, fun and adventure and life went really fast.


    So now the lessons I have learnt through pushing my limits of fear,

    I would love to share with other people:

    • I couldn’t have climbed a sheer rock face without fear of heights.
    • I couldn’t have jumped out of a plane without fear of falling.
    • I couldn’t have climbed Everest base camp without fear of being alone.

    I couldn’t have held my breath for nearly 4 minutes without fear of being stuck inside my own head, and…

    I couldn’t have pushed myself back on the surfboard without fear presenting its ugly face.

    Sometimes I can’t even ask a question to another person without fear of judgement and a fear of a no. So how do you do these things, whilst still scared out of your brain?

    I’ll show you how!

    My limits are nowhere near as good as some of my comrades, but that’s okay

    That’s just the comparison monster, who is always there by the way- it’s about silencing him!

    The comparison monster (judgement) needs to be put in his box.

    Everyone watches, no one judges – it’s all in our head, it’s not like we are in high school anymore.


    Yet another fear of mine by the way, is the fear of embarrassment and judgement.

    I got to the point in my journey that I decided to say….

    Goodbye comparison monster!

    I realised that my journey isn’t about everybody else…it’s about me – just the same way your journey is about you and your limits.

    Everybody’s limits are different – but the truth is, if you’re not scared to do something; then it doesn’t show courage if you do it- so do the things that scare you!

    ? Courage is knowing that you are afraid and working through it anyway, even if you’re pushing yourself just a little bit at a time.

    The feeling of accomplishment once you have pushed through a pain barrier is indescribable.

    And we are on this world and in this life to feel. RIGHT?

    To feel love… to feel joy…to feel abundant… to feel free.

    But what about when those thoughts and feelings are not good? Because sometimes they’re not!

    … Insert me clinging to the side of a mountain…  crying, mad at myself and blaming everyone around me, but too stubborn to give up – because I’m not a quitter and what would everyone think?!

    Moreover what would I think of myself- what words of self-loathing would happen if I gave up?

    NO … quitting was not an option!

    It’s those negative thoughts that creep up and limit us, but your thoughts are not you. If you just see them as something passing by, then your body (automatic response system) doesn’t react (well, not as badly!).


    Fear is our brains way of keeping us safe, but being safe in our comfort zone is not growth, it’s just limiting us.

    We need time to practice this skill and that’s where Freediving and Breath Work come in.

    I don’t do these things to prove anything to anyone other than myself – it’s my way of doing Self-Love.

    I don’t do these things to show off either – in fact it takes great vulnerability for me to do something out of my comfort zone and show people that I am feeling weak or afraid or not good enough…. YET!

    I say ‘YET’ because this overcomes limiting beliefs that don’t need to stay there, and can be moved.

    The truth is … we are all good enough already!

    We are all worthy….

    To live the life of our dreams, to live in joy and gratitude and in abundance.

    Our body’s natural reaction to a fear or a limiting belief is NO WAY, and followed closely behind by anger, disappointment, unworthiness and sadness. Then we shrink, retreat, feel useless and down or we talk poorly to ourselves and create beliefs of unworthiness.  This creates a lot of work with a lot of courage needed to get back on our feet and to shake it off.

    That’s the work right there!


    Do it anyway

    Find strategies

    Find people

    Read books

    Move your bodies

    Take action!

    Ask someone to help you- show you how!

    This is my journey and this is my why.

    I’ve learnt some helpful strategies through fear and facing discomfort. Then the key to this knowledge is taking action and consistently applying these strategies, so that I can live my best life and so can YOU!

    I have not been able to do this by myself. I have amazing supportive friends and a network of people and specialists that are there to help me, guide me, support me, listen to me, be there for me.

    What is your fear?

    What is your discomfort zone?

    What is the thing that is holding you back?

    What if ….. on the other side of that comfort zone lay your greatest desires?

    Are you willing to give up control?

    Be vulnerable?

    Take the barriers down?

    Are you willing to explore what is possible for YOU?


    What if I showed up to my life in a way that I never knew or thought was possible?

    I want to help people become the greatest version of themselves, I want to help people to feel good, to feel beautiful, to feel amazing, to feel strong, to feel empowered, to feel brave, to feel like they’ve accomplished something, to feel supported and loved on their journey.

    I want to people to feel the best version of themselves.

    Just be unapologetically you!!



    Our Mission

    Mermaid Freedive


    The Mermaid Connection is a Mermaid Freedive business that teaches the fundamental theory and history of freediving and mermaids, teaches the skill, use and benefits of breath holding underwater. Ultimately allows the students to feel beautiful underwater.

    Our Vision

    Mermaid Freedive

    To help as many people to feel the physical benefits of  mind, body and soul connection through breath hold. 

    I want to help people become the greatest version of themselves, I want to help people to feel good, to feel beautiful, to feel amazing, to feel strong, to feel empowered, to feel brave, to feel like they’ve accomplished something, to feel supported and loved on their journey.

    “Way down to the bottom of the ocean to find where the mermaids sang, each to each. Where there was danger and beauty and light.”

    Marisha Pessl,

    ‘Night Film’.

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